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Yellow/Gold mask set (two filters)

The Fair Air fire mask is supplied for fire brigades with the holder and two filters in a heavy duty zipper bag.

The spare filter allows for an immediate swap over should the filter need to be changed in the field or while washing the other.

This mask set is AU$ 85.00 each plus GST and postage

Also available with single filter

(Contact us for special pricing for Fire Agencies and Volunteer Brigades by stating organisation name in 'Order Comments')

Yellow/Blue (Ukraine colours)

We have just introduced this colour combination in support of Ukraine.

It is the same fire resistance and would provide respiratory protection for Ukrainian firefighters that seem to have nothing.

Just the thing to help against Putin and his terror.

Wouldn't it be great to send some over in the Bushmasters or Hawkeis that Australia is providng?


This mask set is AU$ 63.00 each plus GST and postage (GST doesn't apply for exports)

Also available with spare filter as two filter set for AU$ 85.00 + GST & postage

Very limited stock at present

Navy/Navy mask set

Exactly the same fire resistance etc, just the holders are navy blue in colour.

They were added to the NSW Police equipment catalogue after an extensive evaluation process.

They are available in both single and two filter sets.

Single filter set is AU$63 plus GST and postage.


Also available as two filter set AU$85 + GST & postage

Khaki/Orange mask set

Exactly the same fire resistance etc, just the holders are khaki/orange in colour.

They are available in both single and two filter sets.

Single filter set is AU$63 plus GST and postage.


Two filter sets are AU$85 + GST & postage

Replacement Fair Air fire mask filters

Two pack of replacement filters - AU$62.00 plus GST and postage

Eight pack of replacement filters - AU$240.00 plus GST and postage

We suggest you don't buy extras with your initial purchase as they are lasting far beyond the advertised 'at least ten washes' - except for some who have washed the filters with the rest of their PPE, and four cases of 'the dog ate it'.
Also, an even better filter will be out early next year with enhancement to remove CO (has been delayed due to COVID).


Postage for mask sets in Australia

$6 for one, $15 for two to six, $24 for 7-15, $36 for 16-35.

Normal post for single sets, Express post for more than one

International Postage:

Please email for quote.

(Recently sent 6 sets to US by international express, cost AU$40 and arrived in five days!)

Bendigo Inventor Awards in 2011 saw Fair Air mask as Innovation of the Year and in 2012 'Pacastat' the electrostatic alpaca material a finalist

Dane Taylor Technologies Pty Ltd

81 Myers St Geelong VIC 3220, Australia

Phone +61 (0) 3 5700 8806

Mobile + 61 (0) 411 121 687

ABN 23 149 360 645

Website design by Oak Grove Graphics

 Many photos courtesy On Scene Media Ltd NZ  

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